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[S] 14 128 items
they are all in my inventory.
they are all the 128 but no head and hands and feet.
i want minimum 1.6k/ea so minimum 22400tc.
1,6k each would be 28,8 for 18 items (full body) + 200tc (head) = 29k (for full 12. It would be not really fancy price for full 128, just standard one.

You offer 14 items, not full 128. And You sell it without hands and feet but with torso textures, which are actually around 1,6 in the market. Considering it, Your 1,6k price is not interesting at all as it is around regular market price (especially remembering that 128 textures price vary between 1650 and 1900).

I can offer 20k for 14 textures, what is a bit above 1,4k each and what is actually honest price at items section, a bit under market price. Torso textures aren't too fancy nowadays.
Sorry if those were 14 items without torso I would do it, but considering I see groin/breast for 1,4-1,5 pretty often in the market I can't do it. Feel free to send when 20k will be fine, else- good luck, I hope somebody can do better than me and provide more money c: