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1337 Achiement
I've had this rank twice, and the first time I didn't get the achievement, so I decided to take some screenshots as proof so I can attain this achievement.

Originally Posted by redtube View Post
it is not your ingame rank that is used it is the one on your gamer card

The general idea is that the gamer card rank is the same as the one given in game.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Contact an administrator. Other than that, nothing else can be done. :o
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
No, regardless if you get it in-game, it doesn't count.....
You only get the achievement when your rank on your ID is 1337.
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