...until you... whut... Weren't you in the clan since the beginning, as an original from RDS?

If not... erm... I forget. Sometime in December, I remember that much, before Christmas. For some reason, December 12th, 2007, pops into my mind as the date we got official, but don't hold me on that.

...And I don't know when you joined ._. Jesus woman, do you expect 2 guys to remember exactly when 60 some people came in and went from this clan? (We originally started with 35 o: And then we've had about 25 who've left for other clans, mainly during the fissions.)
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster View Post
Weren't you in the clan since the beginning, as an original from RDS?


Originally Posted by ragdollmaster
Jesus woman, do you expect 2 guys to remember exactly when 60 some people came in and went from this clan?

I'm a guy... -.-
I haz a Radioactive fetish.
Then why did I need to be tested?

And I don't mean for Herpes! :O
Last edited by 715379; Aug 11, 2008 at 11:07 AM.
I haz a Radioactive fetish.
Well, all I can remember is that I joined just after the officiality ._.
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..