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Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
Once i dreamt I went to forest , my foot stuck on beartrap , a lion eat me alive.

Plot Twist, The lion set up the trap.
Bringer of Hell
Worst dream i had was that i was running around my town at night with strange creatures following me. It still sends a chill down my spine for some reason.
Last edited by Rai; Apr 7, 2014 at 12:50 PM. Reason: ya i did it
When micky mouse chased me while I was getting down a rabbit hole. Extreemly evil micky mouse...
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Ok so I had a dream where I was walking home from school, and this guy that looks like a hobo just keeps repeating the word 'buy, buy, buy' and he points his cup towards me. I say "Sorry man, I got no money." Then he shoots me in the hand with a revolver. After that I woke up, and went back to sleep. In my dream, I woke up from sleeping in the shower, and I now have a bandage wrap over my hand. Then, all of my friends that I could name off the top of my head (which is about 30) just start walking into my bathroom. Then someone just turns on the shower and I'm like "the fuck man?" and I finally wake up.
i sell pocket pussies
[Ae]ther | cncpls | [OoT] | SR
In a plain white room with speakers in front of me. I couldn't move and my eyes stayed in the same place the whole time. The speakers did not play music but only shook. And me having extremely irritable claustrophobia really did Its toll on me during this.
I was going to church and rap music started playing in the church and everyone was having an excorcism.I could feel my body vibrating in the dream and i woke up and couldnt move
This world is cold and cannot be changed.Only one man can change it and that is me!