Original Post
Password hack or new TB password standards? (PLEASE answer)
Password hack or new TB password standards?
My last thread was not answered. after waiting a couple days I decided to post it one more time. So as you all know MagnusSol is the alt account to DeprivedOR. So for the past few weeks when I try to login to my DeprivedOR account it says something along the lines of "password incorrect". So i click on forgot my password it says "enter email adress" I enter it and I go check my email, I had also linked it to my account MagnusSol too. So i just deleted that message what interested me was the DeprivedOR section. So I click on the link to reset my password wich for some reason brought me back to the page were I had entered my email. So I enter it again and go check my email again, and I ended up getting the same message as the first time with the 2 sections "MagnusSol" and "DeprivedOR". I click on the reset my password link, and again it brings me to the enter my email adress page? It's a loop... Please help me, Please and Thank You.

Twilight Moderated Message:
Added the previous thread details below. Generally a bit more patience helps a lot instead of posting multiple threads.

From the previous thread.

Last edited by Foxy; Mar 9, 2014 at 04:57 AM.
Climbing like you've never seen before (parody of xlr84life's thread):
Please format your question properly, that's one long sentence and I don't understand your problem clearly.

You can check your login.dat file that's in your toribash directory (open it with notepad) for your password, or click "show passoword" in-game on the login menu.
wtf is this
if I had to make sense of your post, you have two accounts but for some reason your password is incorrect or something
for that reason that your question is too messed up (what slycooper was saying) that your thread wasnt answered
so... what now

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Alright, just to set the record straight, I took the time to actually read this post and I don't really have an answer for you that will solve your problem 100%. I can only make suggestions.

You shouldn't be looping unless you're pressing the wrong button which is probably the most likely. Make sure to read each thing carefully before you click it! Take your time because patience is a virtue.

I would recommend you seek help in the #support IRC from a staff member if the problem persists.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Ok. From what I understand is that he is getting the message for resseting his password for only this account.This has happend to me aswell and I assume it is because of the fact that the account is old/haven´t been logged on for a long time.
I do not know how to fix it, but this is the problem, so you can formulate your problem like this and present it to somebody.
Yeah just talk to an admin and see if they can change it for you. you can use the #support IRC indicated by the help button on the top, or you can go to the main forum page, scroll down and click "view forum leaders".