if only it wasn't hacked
it was pboring and anyone could've done it
don't say 'but no one has so og blah' no

i wish you would've thrown them more like stars and not like boomerangs
it seemed kind of weird with the dm delay but gave it some flare
still a tad creative, i just wouldn't watch this more than once wd
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Even though it was hacked, it was a very nice replay. It's cool how you had the feet act like boomerangs. Basically everything that hobo said.
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
Taking away from the replay because it's hacked is stupid in my opinion. All you're doing is encouraging replays to follow the same path. I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a huge variety in replays :P
Since it's hacked though, you gotta look at that aspect, instead of giving cnc on something the replay doesn't have much of.

So, the hacking was amazing. I know how long it takes to get a fluid momentum hacked and seeing that someone took the time to do it made me very happy. The replay idea is good too, together with the pose. Might not be the most impressive project but I would never say it wasn't worth it
Unique and creative, Gj.

inb4 major fucking argument pls no
Last edited by Hattersin; Dec 27, 2013 at 05:19 PM.
PM me with any and all questions
Since nobody likes hacked replays, from now on every replay I make will be hacked in some way.


Attached Files
#Iso - Masks.rpl (193.5 KB, 104 views)
first replay would have been kinda cool if you moved uke or something like one of those action movie scenes when you did the thing.

second replay 0/10 manip sucks 10/10 decaps 0/10 obey sucks.
wow that