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Ingame reunion idea!
Considering how active most of us are, I thought I should start early.

We should get together ingame again sometime soon ( like, as many jollies and allies as possible) since, at least for me, it's been a while and I miss all you guys and stuff ( no homo).

Can you guys settle for a date between 20-24th of December?
Originally Posted by ANDROIDex View Post
Exam phase + Working up abs

You? :3

Last year of mechanical engineering + my bachelor's degree ( plasma speaker ) and trying to get a gf ( a friend showed me a gorgeous girl and might end up going out with him, his gf and her this weekend so wish me luck on that).

I do need to get in shape as well, but living at a dorm is a big impediment. I will try to do it when I'll move in my own place after I finish my diploma.

What collage are you at?
Ohhh i see hahaha, well good luck. I just broke up, been for 19 month and end up dramatically shit.

Well just look for some tips to get shape, i got no gym equipments, routine Sit up, push up, and something works up with abs 20 times each, 10 seconds rest.

Don't be too far, i'm just an asian guy 14 years old end up at Indonesia worst international school. Getting High school soon.
Last edited by ANDROIDex; Dec 5, 2013 at 11:35 AM.
I can't even play this game
Originally Posted by ANDROIDex View Post
Ohhh i see hahaha, well good luck. I just broke up, been for 19 month and end up dramatically shit.

Well just look for some tips to get shape, i got no gym equipments, routine Sit up, push up, and something works up with abs 20 times each, 10 seconds rest.

Don't be too far, i'm just an asian guy 14 years old end up at Indonesia worst international school. Getting High school soon.

Ah, sucks man. But you're still young so you can get girls easy at school so don't worry

You shouldn't use any gym equipment anyway, at least until you turn 18 since it can have some negative aspects and it's not worth it. Regular exercises like you do are fine.

I thought you were in collage because you said that you got exams xD.
Yeah it was ofc. Hmm maybe, but i'm not that easily attract at girls.

Well for muscle i started with 2kg barbells. Well thanks for another tips.

No man, in our country we have 1st semester exam then 2nd part will continue on June which i hope i'll sit in highschool chairs.
I can't even play this game