Original Post
Can we multi-clan?
basically what the title says, can we multi-clan? if not, im leaving, i got an offer for being a co-leader of a totally undiscovered clan that just started, if we can mult-clan ill wear both clan tags proudly
NO, we can not, LRG was going to do that but can't, sooooo long dude, gtfo

No matter how agitated you are please refrain from saying things like: GTFO.
Please Be nice...

Last edited by SP1DEY999; Jul 29, 2008 at 09:25 PM.
Proud member of _____
chaz no I wasnt I was going to quit didn't mean I can still help you out.


and no you cant or you probably will be breaking a clan rule.
thank you Nepo made it and yes you cant if you do I will report you to d0mination and maybe juntalis for this.
If u double clan, well, lastdragon, take it from someone who is banned every other week for stupid stuff, u shall get banned, probably. just no toribash clan has ever multi-claned. just ask people to join ur clan. purty easy
I ♥ BenDover
lol he Join [Beta] (im leader lol)
I r all teh many happehz and all teh many soz about him leaving.