Original Post
Your way to have fun while playing toribash?
So,What do YOU do to have fun while playing toribash?Let the community hear you.

Well,For me...Random chats,jousting mods & betting servers makes me have fun and randomly laugh sometimes for me losing.
almost of the time playing with friends, listening music (ALWAYS!!!), mushu , or those noob mods :P
[23:20:46] Negrito: Im practically chris brown
[23:20:54] Ale455: without the chris
Download or try mods new to me.

Eh, sometimes the servers are just boring due that i'm awake while the Americans are asleep.
✦RIP -zzzkie, I'll miss you 2012-2015 #neverforget.✦
👼Proud owner and leader of [Ascend] with my brother, Nevramon👼
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