Original Post
Best methods to deter a narcissistic stalker
Before posting, please read.
Please have some sort of understanding of Narcissistic Personality Disorder or aggressive stalkers.

The Question
What are the best methods for deterring a narcissistic stalker?
This would be an individual who uses anger, violence, and intimidation to harass and control. This would also be an individual without ties to a job, but equally backed by a source of income, and so has the ability to devote all of their time to their campaign of intimidation and can move freely without any other commitments. This would also be an individual without any regard for the legal system, and is more than willing to use illegal methods to harass and control if they believe they can get away with it, which they often do. This individual would also be completely consumed by this, having placed their life into the notion of "winning" through destroying the life of the victim.

Miscellaneous Details
I would've put this in "Rapid Threads", but this appeared to be a heavier and more lengthier matter of discussion.
Personal experience is invaluable in this discussion.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Wait, do you want to discuss the best methods of back-stabing some creep so bad that he/she would regret ever picking a fight with you again?, as you rather clearly stated below the question you seem to refer to an individual that has already crossed the law a few times.

Before someone shames/closes this thread for its (un-)sensible topic, let me help you out:
1) Use the word "No.",
3) If that does not work, talk with your friends, and family about it (if you now are the victim),
2) If that does not help, use the legal system, including visiting the local force and asking for help,

And no, this topic does not seem discussion worthy, and this community would not be the best place to search for help, or information on how to handle a "narcissistic stalker".
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
It's funny, because I am a psychopathic narcissist.

Tell the po po.
If they're about to murder you, compliment them.
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
Originally Posted by Smogard49 View Post
Wait, do you want to discuss the best methods of back-stabing some creep so bad that he/she would regret ever picking a fight with you again?, as you rather clearly stated below the question you seem to refer to an individual that has already crossed the law a few times.

Before someone shames/closes this thread for its (un-)sensible topic, let me help you out:
1) Use the word "No.",
3) If that does not work, talk with your friends, and family about it (if you now are the victim),
2) If that does not help, use the legal system, including visiting the local force and asking for help,

And no, this topic does not seem discussion worthy, and this community would not be the best place to search for help, or information on how to handle a "narcissistic stalker".

No, I have no interest in any form of retaliation at all.
I've researched information but I was looking for community opinion.

Yeah, it's nothing like that. When I say deter, it'd be methods of removing myself from the focus.

Thank you for your opinions though.
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Increasingly make yourself look greasy and what not and then start stalking the stalker. It makes you out to be a massive creep not worth following.
Ignore her/him. Block Facebook, ignore all text or phone calls. If she/he comes to your place of business ask the manager if they can not let them in or treat them like a normal customer unless things escalate at work our outside of work. If that happens look into legal options like a restraining order.

Recap: ignore till the problem ends if it escalates involve the authorities.
Oh, and forgot talk to ask is he/she hot?
Arglax Moderated Message:
why is this thread still in discussion? moved.
Last edited by Arglax; Oct 14, 2013 at 06:17 PM. Reason: aghhhhh
Im afraid ignoring them is not a solution.
the best way is to fight for ur pride if u lose or win doesn't matter just fight u shauld have some sort of back up in the school u shauld fight for ur pride so when stalker see u they will think twice b4 stalking u i did to a group of ppl at the beggining of this year u know what they walked away imediatly when i stoped willing to fight.
Originally Posted by NinjaVodou View Post
It's funny, because I am a psychopathic narcissist.

As am I, and I love myself too much to stalk people, I don't think they deserve it. Dunno what your guy's deal is. Just try to take down the ego, most of our kind are "unstable" and fragile, they will break eventually.

Unless they get to the place where they love themselves so much that they don't need the admiration of others (me), then idk, you're screwed.