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[Solved]texturing help
Hey guys just needed help (sorry if I posted this on the wrong place.. Just a noob in forums... ) With texturing for toribash what softwares do I need and (dumb question) will I be allowed to use my textures. And how do I use them? Would I go to the toribash directory tthen go to custom tthen look for my name ApeX199 then replace my item.dat and all those other files with tttthe new ones I created? And how will I make my created tthings work on toribash. Thanks
you can use any graphics software to create a toribash texture, i personally use paint tool sai but you can use loads of different ones, gimp is probably the best for a beginner.

to use a toribash texture you much purchase the texture item of the area you want to texture, most people start with a 128x128 head texture worth 2000tc. you must buy texture items for all of the tori to texture him fully.

i would advise getting practice, looking at tutorials and getting to know the market for textures before you start making them. selling your textures is a good way to make money for buying the texture items.

im not the best at explaining things but i hope i helped a little!
Yeah as spuud said all you need to do is buy a texture item for the location you want textured then use any graphic program, I use Photoshop CS6 but gimp paint and many more programs will work.

Once you have the texture item for the location you want and the art you want to put on it go to shop and and on the left hand side there is a link that says textures. Click on that and activate the texture item you bought then click Choose file and once have chosen your art work click upload. Once you have done that open your toribash game and type /dl (nickname) then your art work will pop on to your guy.
👹 Bushido Member 👹
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here is a tutorial on the basics of texturing
its pretty old, only things that have changed is that textures can now be 512x512 resolution and transparency doesnt really work anymore.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-