Original Post
What position do you go to sleep in?
What position do you go to sleep in, and why?

I sleep on my side because I'm scared of the chance of having the chance of having sleep paralysis
I almost always sleep sprawled out across my bed.

But sometimes I like to sleep on my floor as well. Kinda strange habit.

I used to sleep walk and would usually wakeup in the bath tub.
I sleep with by body lying on the side, since it's more comfortable this way.

Occasionally, I might change my sleeping stance though.
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!
Army. Straight lying on my back, arms tight on sides and no pillow.

edit: and oh yeah, I have the most terrible sleep paralysis with exploding head syndrome combined and i've been murdered in this semi awoken state several times. I don't even wanna go in details here, it's like very horror and violent and fucked up.
Last edited by JSnuffMARS; Sep 10, 2013 at 10:03 PM.
On my side, it's surprisingly comfortable
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
I sleep on my face, and muur, I sleep on the floor sometimes too! :] But only when there is a blanket or alot of clothes on the floor.