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Approaching WW3?
Do you guys think that the conflict in Syria will actually spark WW3, or even another Cold War?

Things have been escalating in Syria quite rapidly in the past months, and with the USA, China and Russia superpowers coming in the surrounding area with warships, destroyers and ground forces, it's basically 1 move away from war. Right now, it feels that a single bullet fired in the wrong direction would bring forth the destruction of millions. USA and Russian with China basically all put themselves in a position where they made big claims and made preparations for a "small" outbreak, but backing up now would make them look weak, and I think this is the biggest problem there. Are any of them prepared to look weak now, or do they prefer to go to war?
oh, I have may opinions on this topic, but I am prob a bit drunk now to express them decently. For sure, I will give some thoughts tomorrow about ww3...
wishful eyes deceive me
IMO WW3 is necessary for the world to live. Many need to die for over-population and the amount of money made during the world wars will benefit the economy. Or atleast it did it WW2 I will join the army if there is a WW3, call me cruel but I think the world (and the USA) needs a little war and death to 1. Bring us closer together 2. show the new generation (my generation essentially) that not everything is happy go lucky do whatever the fuck you want.

But then again I'm 15 and wtf do i know.
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Eh it's only a matter of time before America gets taken down from its pedestal. I hope a war doesn't start because i'm 835% sure Australia will side with America despite its close proximity to Asia.
here are a few thoughts.

I think the likelihood of ww3 happening is very slim, simply because all the superpowers are aware that in a time of such sophisticated nuclear weaponry the outcome of such would be very unsure.
Sure, one can argue that ww3 could be waged with classic weapons, but imo, its only a matter of time when the loosing side would come to the point to use nuclear weapons, and after that there is no turning back.
Every superpower, and especially the US, likes when the money flows because of smaller conflicts (in their eyes) far away from US soil. But when it comes to a point when several missiles can wipe away millions of people, and when even the most richest are not immune, I think backing down slightly to prevent ww3 is the only logical course of action.
That being said, its quite certain that Syria conflict will lead to an even higher tightening of relations between US, Russia and China for sever years. Its quite probably that in some time there will be a US intervention in Syria (simply because its their priory to act as a corrupt world cop), but quite possibly they will not be on the side of the rebels, but on the side of Assad, because of pressure from Rus and simply because a big part of the rebels are extremist forces closely related to terrorist organizations, US is so bumped up on stopping (one can argue that if the US ceased to exist now, the worlds terrorism would at least halve, if not reduce it self even more).
In any case Syria is fucked, and it will not return the to pre-war state in 30 years or more. Afghanistan all over again.

I've read quite an interesting article in a PC magazine I follow, about nuclear war being the only possible way a new renaissance of man would occur. Quite an interesting opinion.
Last edited by missuse; Sep 9, 2013 at 10:22 AM.
wishful eyes deceive me
Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
IMO WW3 is necessary for the world to live. Many need to die for over-population and the amount of money made during the world wars will benefit the economy. Or atleast it did it WW2 I will join the army if there is a WW3, call me cruel but I think the world (and the USA) needs a little war and death to 1. Bring us closer together 2. show the new generation (my generation essentially) that not everything is happy go lucky do whatever the fuck you want.

But then again I'm 15 and wtf do i know.

War is not made to bring anybody closer together man and war to show a mere generation is really too much. There is a huge difference between WW2 and what would be WW3, the technology and power alone is enough to reshape the entire planet. It's not really worth it for as much as you said.

Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
Eh it's only a matter of time before America gets taken down from its pedestal. I hope a war doesn't start because i'm 835% sure Australia will side with America despite its close proximity to Asia.

America is on the pedestal for the media only. China alone would wipe America off the planet in just a few days if it would wage war. The Russian tactics in WW2 were to use numbers over quality, and it proved to be the winning tactic by far. And there is no nation with more numbers than China.

Originally Posted by missuse View Post
here are a few thoughts.

I think the likelihood of ww3 happening is very slim, simply because all the superpowers are aware that in a time of such sophisticated nuclear weaponry the outcome of such would be very unsure.
Sure, one can argue that ww3 could be waged with classic weapons, but imo, its only a matter of time when the loosing side would come to the point to use nuclear weapons, and after that there is no turning back.
Every superpower, and especially the US, likes when the money flows because of smaller conflicts (in their eyes) far away from US soil. But when it comes to a point when several missiles can wipe away millions of people, and when even the most richest are not immune, I think backing down slightly to prevent ww3 is the only logical course of action.
That being said, its quite certain that Syria conflict will lead to an even higher tightening of relations between US, Russia and China for sever years. Its quite probably that in some time there will be a US intervention in Syria (simply because its their priory to act as a corrupt world cop), but quite possibly they will not be on the side of the rebels, but on the side of Assad, because of pressure from Rus and simply because a big part of the rebels are extremist forces closely related to terrorist organizations, US is so bumped up on stopping (one can argue that if the US ceased to exist now, the worlds terrorism would at least halve, if not reduce it self even more).
In any case Syria is fucked, and it will not return the to pre-war state in 30 years or more. Afghanistan all over again.

I've read quite an interesting article in a PC magazine I follow, about nuclear war being the only possible way a new renaissance of man would occur. Quite an interesting opinion.

I don't think there will be any classical warfare if WW3 were to happen. For all intents and purposes, I do believe that biological/chemical warfare will be the one who'd win the war, since you can't stop it. And even if you can, it would probably be too late.

I do also think that the chances for WW3 are a bit slim, but I do think a new Cold War will emerge, even if it's hidden from the public eye. Each side pushed their "luck" a bit too much with the Syria think, and now they're basically playing an intimidation game that nobody wants to lose.

Nuclear War would change mankind forever, the consequences and death would be off the scale. For all we know, it might cause most of the human race to be a race of mutants, and not mutants in a good way
Very interesting topic, the tension is just starting to build up. Only a matter of time before someone makes the wrong move.
Originally Posted by Vin786 View Post
Very interesting topic, the tension is just starting to build up. Only a matter of time before someone makes the wrong move.

I don't know, I think it's slowly starting to regress. I don't see it being that bad at the moment as it used to be.