Original Post
Toribash Greenlit!
So Toribash is greenlit now, what are your thoughts?
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
the only thing i am not in about is because i know a lot a lot of toribash players like 75% and they know me so when those waves of players join this will break the knowing for people
nobody will know me this way and not just me
before 2 weeks or so gman80 entered a betting server no one knew him because they were all new so nobody even said hi to him
he was the greatest player and market leader or so
but nobody said hi to him
I am afraid this will happen to us
a lot of players from this age will be forgotten
i hope we all be remembered with something
just like old schoolers!
Originally Posted by scorpionmas View Post
the only thing i am not in about is because i know a lot a lot of toribash players like 75% and they know me so when those waves of players join this will break the knowing for people
nobody will know me this way and not just me
before 2 weeks or so gman80 entered a betting server no one knew him because they were all new so nobody even said hi to him
he was the greatest player and market leader or so
but nobody said hi to him
I am afraid this will happen to us
a lot of players from this age will be forgotten
i hope we all be remembered with something
just like old schoolers!

well ive never heard of you or gman and people saying hi to you on toribash means nothing apart of get your e-penis bigger.

Anyway i think more people playing toibash will be better for the entire community
not saying hi means nobody gives a shit..
i wasnt there when gman was but i still now alot about him
they even made a whole event for his leaving
now you are a great example for what i am talking about
you joined latetly and no body knows you and you dont know anybody
that's why you never heard of us
Originally Posted by bb
y i think more people playing toibash will be better for the entire community

well it is good for the economy but the people is just like you new people
Last edited by scorpionmas; Aug 28, 2013 at 10:04 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
I'm thinking anybody with a decent sum of TC needs to sell off their money quickly before the value of TC plummets.

Okay, I would like to hear the evidence to support that claim.

I moved this thread as the first post does not hold any discussion worthy questions.
If you want you can make a thread about the question weather or not steam will ruin toribash's ecnoomy.
How are you?
Originally Posted by scorpionmas View Post

now you are a great example for what i am talking about
you joined latetly and no body knows you and you dont know anybody
that's why you never heard of us

You think you're entitled to recognition because of your join date?
That's what if meant ...
What I meant is he's new so he didnt have the time to know anybody
And know the history of toribash

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But please just forget it I do t want to make a conversation here which I already did let's just be happy for this

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Similar thread. Since that one was made first (and was created here instead of Discussion), that one will stay.
[23:23:53] <AndChat|700625> Blue eyes ultimate dragon best card
[23:24:29] <AndChat|700625> You know the one with 3 heads
[23:24:39] <~Lightningkid> just like my dick

[11:35:40] <box> Hampa suck
[11:36:21] <hampa> not the first to tell me that today