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I never thought to this day that it would happen and I now know the true horror of this. Right now my family is thinking of divorce, right now even as I try to write this I'm holding back tears. Its really hard right now knowing that I'm the oldest of the siblings with the youngest being 10, all my siblings are bawling their eyes out and I now know how horrible it is when a family is to divorce. If it isnt too hard, would you guys mind telling me your experiences with divorce?


So they finally decided to be 'friends' rather then married. My life feels awful right now..
Last edited by TomWanks; Aug 28, 2013 at 01:02 AM.
Originally Posted by TomWanks View Post
So they finally decided to be 'friends' rather then married. My life feels awful right now..

Same here, my mom told me earlier this month that they're getting a divorce. But it's pretty civil, they never argued and I never had the impression that they were drifting apart. They're just different people with different needs, and that's okay. My siblings don't really mind, and I'm moving to a new house with my mom in October. I'm not sure if civil divorce is out of the norm.
Same thing sort of happened with my parents, except that there was no official divorce, they're just split up. It's really a stupid thing that happens but it's something you have to deal with. It'd make the most sense to me if they broke it apart after my youngest sibling graduated college or moved out of the house so it wouldn't complicate things for the family.

Either way, sorry about what's going on, it's hard, I know.
Ah divorce.. I remember that, my Dad left 3 days after my 10th Birthday and I was the elder sibling. Everyone cried..

It is upsetting.. but it's not as if you won't see your Father or Mother : )
They're just doing what they feel will make themselves happier, although no offense.. I honestly think they should have thought about you and your sibling(s) more.

But yeah, try to think of it from their view, they just want to be happier and most likely will end up happier. After a while the idea of them not being apart will always be sad but it shouldn't feel so bad as to reduce you to tears, the first part is just coming to terms with it and accepting it. : )

But don't worry, you're not alone. It unfortunately happens to a great majority of us..
The divorce between my parents remind me to stay together even if unhappy for my children. I haven't seen my Dad for about 6 years now, but your Dad will see you

It might sound silly, but cheer up : )
Sorry for babbling by the way, I'm horrible at cheering people up or helping them for that matter, so if you want me to delete this post I gladly will ^^'
thats sad my mom and dad are just last year and i cant really see my dad often but keep your head up high I'm sure they did whats best for them if you ever need anything just msg me i will always be here to help you
Sorry for what you are going through but it is normal . Your mom might find someone else at first you wont like it but then you will just go with it and everything is back to normal but you will be a little bit sad and all but it will all be all right keep your head up if you need any more tips just pm me i am here with you