Original Post
Ok so I have a very good decent sized deactive now. I want to start marketing for profits but how should I go about setting prices and stuff. I tried marketing before, but I always set my prices too high. Any tips will be help so thanks in advance.
Look up what the item you want to sell's lowest market price is, then set the price of the item a few tc below that and let it sit on the market (the items probably won't sell over night, be patient.)

If you prefer to sell items in the market section of the forum, you must accept that you won't get full market price for the items (people want a discount when buying on the forums.)

tip: aqua, marine, radioactive items (as well as a few other cheap colors) are like gold and will sell within a few days on the market. 128/512 head textures may even sell within a day.

also pm about selling your deactivated, I'll but it all at once if you'd like
Your pal,
There are two articles that might help you. and
They are walls of texts, but they contain a lot of useful information.

As for setting prices on the market: Simply try to beat your competition. Be cheaper as the rest or no one will buy from you.
If there is no competition and you do not know how much you should ask for, look at the shop price and find a reasonable balance. If unsure, ask in the pricecheck mega thread in the items board.

edit: Don't buy from chrisfinne, he will rip you off and sell it for more. )o)
Last edited by Meniken; Aug 18, 2013 at 12:41 AM.
well, its technically simply, buy low, sell high.

u can achieve those things easy. as example. if someon is selling his whole deactive, u actually will/can pay lesss than all items single are worth, if u buy all at once.

then there are from time to time people which make "[B]" threads and have a specific amount of TC. just try to sell a few items, which u got from the deactive sale.
the items which are not so common and wanted (like collectors stuff, trails, gradients etc. etc.) can be put on the market for a nice low price to get some extra tc.

as example, i could buy your whole deactive for 20k (not correct prices tho.) but its worth 25k. and finally im selling each piece one by one and get 30k out of it.
sure this takes some time, but that is actually how marketing works if u want profit.

otherwise just buy tons of low price stuff in the market forum, orc, chronos, glad. etc. and put it into the market... depending how much items u have they are worth 500k+ tc..
but this takes a shitload of time to sell them. because u have to wait to sell every single item in the market. if u got like 100 orc forces, and u sell like 1 every 3 days... it takes u a whole year to get it. but at the end u made like 200k tc profit.

if u want to make succesfully marketing u have to invest alot of time.

uhm i think that was everything important, that i knew from my old marketeer time thoo... if u have any question feel free to ask.
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

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Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
Set your prices 10-30% below lowest market price depending upon the popularity of the item.
Chronos items sell for no more then 10tc on forums and sell extremely fast. On Market they can sell for 100tc+ each and still go fairly fast.
It's all a matter of knowing which items are easier to sell in each part of the market.
Cheap unwanted items like chronos, marine e.t.c. generally sell higher in market.
More expensive items that you don't sell very often, like flames, e.t.c. sell better on forums. Mostly because rarer items have prices that are way too high on market, and no one wants them that high.