Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Atlantic servery fuckery
It was suggested in General Talk so let's make it happen.

Post your GMT's because I gone done and forgot them and we'll work out the best times for everyone.

Mod will probably be either Taekkyon or Aikido/Greykido because steelpackage and torisex.tbm get boring after a while. (;

GMT + 0 here, so I can do whenever.
| tom |
There's about an 8 hour difference between you and I, you being ahead. Anyway I'm pretty
much available whenever, you have me on skype and steam, and if those don't work, then
try to get Hacks to text me or something if he makes it.

Also 360goldpoeple.tbm and sambo for the win dude.
wow that
+10 here. I'm ahead of all of you.

[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
GMT +0 (GMT +1 because of summer time).

Pretty much available all time except sleep hours and this saturday and half of sunday.
Last edited by Hayz; Aug 15, 2013 at 02:48 PM.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
-5 GMT

Available anytime after like 5pm, as long as I know ahead of time when this is going to happen.
The next 2 weekends are a little backed up from plans already made, so it would have to be during the week, and before thursday/friday, since my nights are full. Sundays work great though
Originally Posted by Shiko View Post
+2 GMT but I've completely messed up my sleep cycle so I doubt I'll be able to play.

Welcome to the club.
Sold my dog to join RRO
Okay, so I'm thinking 'round about this time (mid-day for me) is a good time because everyone is awake... right?

I'll be in /jo atlantic if you want to fuck around.
| tom |