Original Post
Hey.. Miss me sorta?
I know this isn't me, and I'm sure plenty of people won't really believe me, but this isn't for them. If anything happens, this is for those within' the clan since, you know.. Yeah.

Well, I know I kind of worried everyone. I kind of worried myself too.
More worried now then ever. They did the MRI on my head, and guess what? Yeah. They couldn't see anything, the scan showed cloudy results, which worried them.
Ended up testing everything, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs etc. Don't know why they tested somethings that they did, but w/e.

Good news? They don't think I had a tumor, and that's all going for me, so wonderful!
Bad news? They found problems with my heart. It's been over working since birth, but not to the point where it was a problem. They asked how life's been going, and I told them everything. Apparently this extra stress, and how it's been effecting me has causes my heart to go in super overdrive, and at this rate, I won't make it passed new years. I need a full heart transplant, it's the only way they can see me living passed 20.
Pretty shitty right? Well, now that everything has gone the way it did, I quit my job. (why the fuck work when you're on your deathbed right? might as well live life now before it's too late.) I plan on doing things with my life I wasn't able to do before.
While I'm on the waiting list for a heart transplant, I'm going to make a lot of art, probably go on a couple trips and camp. Relaxing things to finish with. I won't forget to play toribash though! I plan on playing a bit more then usual. Might even get back into replay making since I have a bit of extra time now.

I will always love Atlantic, and everybody in it. If anything happens, I'll always be with you guys. My soul will forever be an atlantic. From now until death, and after as well. Mother will have me by her side til this clan fails to continue.
I love you all!
That super sucks dude. I hope everything goes alright. Sorry to hear about your heart. Atleast you get to do cool stuff though...
wow that
Don't know what to say... I really don't.

So very sorry about everything shitty that has been happening to you. I hope everything goes for the better and I'll be here whenever you want to play or other stuff... you know. Just PM me.



The message might not the best, the color choice might be awful, it may look kinda childish but the message is there and with a strong intention.
Last edited by Hayz; Aug 9, 2013 at 03:31 AM.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
Oh man. I don't know... what to say, Hacks.

I never really got to know you that well, and I feel bad for that now... Ugh Hacks, you've been a great person in the time that I've got to play Toribash with you.

I dunno what else to say, Hacks. I just hope the heart transplant goes ahead.

[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
Noob told me about this on skype and I got to say, I really didn't want to believe it. This is really fucking sad and I hope to the bottom of my being that you get better, bro!
| tom |
Originally Posted by Castra View Post
Noob told me about this on skype and I got to say, I really didn't want to believe it. This is really fucking sad and I hope to the bottom of my being that you get better, bro!

No tears dammit, we're Atlanticians

No matter how bad things may seem, I'm still living to what I think is the fullest I have, and you guys are better then anyone could ask for. No point in being upset about something that wasn't preventable