Original Post
You actually came back

We actually made a push for a lot of olds to become active again. For a while I thought we had something. :O everyone will probably post here in the next few days.

Are you going to stay? Or is this just a "hey I'm passing by" type of thing. Clan league is coming up in 5 days you could fight with us
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Originally Posted by DropKick View Post
You actually came back

We actually made a push for a lot of olds to become active again. For a while I thought we had something. :O everyone will probably post here in the next few days.

Are you going to stay? Or is this just a "hey I'm passing by" type of thing. Clan league is coming up in 5 days you could fight with us

Sup brofag
Nah, just a passing by. I'd be useless in TB now, haven't played it in years anway. I got bored of it so

Originally Posted by dengue View Post
Hi zalmoxis,

I am here too,
We just dont post much.

Hey there

I think I remember you, but I don't think you were in Jolly when I was around? Sorry, I'm getting old and shit haha.

Btw I don't have a password to the boards . Gimme that booty in a PM.
Last edited by Zalmoxis; Aug 5, 2013 at 12:43 AM.
Originally Posted by JackerFx View Post
Sup sup, I joined a while ago but I don't believe I had the pleasure to say hello to you.

Hey there and a very late "welcome to the family"
Hey Zalmo! Really glad to see you here, even tho you are just passing by. Hows life been treating you buddy? Will write you a mail or PM one of these days, been meaning to forever. I am ashamed I didn't. Hope you stick by for a few days at least to say hello to all the semi active bros.
wishful eyes deceive me
Originally Posted by missuse View Post
Hey Zalmo! Really glad to see you here, even tho you are just passing by. Hows life been treating you buddy? Will write you a mail or PM one of these days, been meaning to forever. I am ashamed I didn't. Hope you stick by for a few days at least to say hello to all the semi active bros.

Hey babe!

Same here, been meaning to ask you how was the wedding and honeymoon? And by how was the honeymoon, I mean if you actually saw any sunlight hehehe

Well, nothing newish here. 4th year in mechanical engineering, looks like getting a job in the field is easy, but I'm a bit worried about my thesis since the mark is important. It may be a bit silly, but I was actually thinking for quite a while now about inventing something that can make me some money, but what I dream of is far beyond my knowledge so I'm giving up on that part.

Yeah I'll stick by for a bit now. Probably even a month or so, I don't know now. I'm only here to catch up with you guys and say hello to our allyfaegs at fl0w
Originally Posted by Ukemonster View Post
Hey man. Good to see you around. Stick around a while

Hey uke, how are you?

Well I might be randomlish active on the forums but don't expect much ;s