Original Post
Replay stuff
How can I see what settings were used in a replay after I download it from forums?
[Gangsters] RuBash
[TABD][Team Australia] RIP[Source]
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° ÜÕÝï ÔÐÖÕ ÝÕ ÒßØáÐÛ, åãØáÐá~Tarlan
Open the replay, hit esc while watching it, and then click on gamerules. If they doesn't help, then try typing Control + G
Last edited by Wolfe; Jul 17, 2013 at 08:36 PM.
Tried that but turns out that every replay is made in classic mod with all the standart settings...
Last edited by MrGarry; Jul 18, 2013 at 12:05 AM.
[Gangsters] RuBash
[TABD][Team Australia] RIP[Source]
º°À¾Ç Â࿸´°ÀË º°º¸µ ¾ ¸¿° ¾Ä°½° ´¾»¶½Ë ±ËÂÌ ½°¿¸Á°½Ë
° ÜÕÝï ÔÐÖÕ ÝÕ ÒßØáÐÛ, åãØáÐá~Tarlan
Originally Posted by MrGarry View Post
Tried that but turns out that every replay is made in classic mod with all the standart settings...

Try typing /se, that usually shows the changes. if not try opening it up in notepad