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A Coalition of Minds (Pros Making Pros Proer)

Boring autobiographic intro

This sparks the idea of this thread.

I don't know of a person who moves more realistically in wushu than Begotten. So maybe Begotten can provide some insight, replays, pictures, or information about how exactly he moves the way he does.

I remember a player name Vordo, think he was in clan fl0w, and he was essentially a hitmontop

pokemon reference

of wushu. He didn't stop spinning. Maybe we could learn how to spin like Vordo.

Logic tends to make the least forseeable decision with his setups, leading you to misprepare for his attacks. Maybe he could give insight on how to increase deception (I know that's something you probably picked up from Odlov, but he's not with us)

Deprav has more flow than basically anyone, maybe he can give a talk there.

The list goes on and on.

The point is: everybody has their own style. Everybody is damn good at something that the next player isn't. Even among Tier 1 players, there are things we suck at compared to other Tier 1 players and things we're amazing at.

So the goal of this thread:

1) Talk about what you believe to be good at
2) Talk about how you became good at it
3) Provide replays exhibiting said skill
4) Offer advice about how we, Team Wushu members, can learn to be more like you and even better than you at what you do.

The "guide to playing wushu" has turned public wushu into a pool of unique, comeback ability having wushu players. I think we can take it a step farther and spread our unique knowledge to one another to further advance the mod.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Gotta hand it to you, the idea of this is awesome. I can't wait to see what comes up here, particularly with bego and brucia because I would love to be able to move more realistically if I feel the desire. Right now I can do it, but my more efficiency-focused movement pokes through a lot when balance gets washy. I'm quite good at swinging my limbs around to change my momentum, and continuing existing momentum. Replays attached. I became good at it by limiting the amount of joints I could use, forcing me to develop the ability to continue what was already going. From there, it becomes a choice whether to completely nullify or reverse direction, having many options from being in many different situations. I no longer play all relaxed, but a lot of the techniques from it are extremely useful.
Attached Files
fancypantsadventure.rpl (88.2 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by rcarey; Jul 12, 2013 at 12:20 AM.
What do you think the advantages are of rolling with your momentum? Have you noticed on the speedometer pulling higher speeds? Harder to block?

And what can you do to give advice about others trying to play turtleshu
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I got to agree with carey, this idea is pretty exciting!

Just to thinking of getting whole styles of each player and try to combine then, would be epic.... taking our skills to another level!

I would love to learn more of each player!
Thought I don't think I have much to offer, I think myself as a good comeback setter and I've been trying to improve my momentum lately, even though I'm a little rusty.

Will fix this post with more comments later* =)

Xhiba, you go into and out of cb positions faster than anyone I think, maybe talk about that
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by Hxcbbqimo View Post
What do you think the advantages are of rolling with your momentum? Have you noticed on the speedometer pulling higher speeds? Harder to block?

And what can you do to give advice about others trying to play turtleshu

Actually, I've noticed that I break far less often in mods like wushufixed for example. By rolling with momentum, I cause less stress on my body (be careful not to reverse direction too suddenly though, once it's built up and going: once committed, keep on with it.) The short air time allows my joints to "heal" a bit, with no pressure on them at all which is good for survival too. And attacks can be more powerful with it. See the move in the replay with deppy, the backhand that dms his wrist. It flowed with the cb, and managed to strike at 42.
Well here goes a brain dump, seeing as I can't really think of anything that I think would be good to share.

My style, yeah... To be honest, I've always had a basis to my play-style, moving off of the basic comeback stance, using wrists and shoulders more than anything else to move around, building momentum and just keeping on hounding my opponent. So I'd have to say that watching Xhiba has influenced how I go about setting up comebacks, moving limbs in the most bizarre fashion, just to get that fraction closer to the ground. When it comes to those comebacks, mixing relax all, and hold all, comes in handy, considering how the limbs generally fall to the floor when relax, allowing for that slight downward transition, which lets me hit the ground sooner. The other style which interested me was that of Deprav... The fluidity and continued attacking was something which I craved, and so this is what I studied. From watching replays of Dep, and playing him, I was able to focus on the slight movements he made (in order to gain stability), along with the 'running' which he does. So yeah... From watching him play, I've adopted a degree of his style and techniques.

All that said (I'm sure there's more that I can add, mind you), different circumstances call for different styles, different ways of doing things. So I try to adjust to what I see coming, and set up best for the foreseen movements.

I'm not sure what I was doing right, or what others were doing wrong, but this morning I seemed to be able to continually cb, cb, attack, cb, etc, with not too much difficulty. I'm sure it's just the punnet of yoghurt which I was eating whilst playing, but only the future can provide me with that information.

Ah yes, I also like spinning in the basic comeback stance, usually done by only extending a wrist and raising a shoulder.
Attached Files
xhiba - cmbkstance.rpl (102.4 KB, 23 views)
hax1 - cb cb cb.rpl (116.8 KB, 16 views)
rc - mixed run.rpl (111.7 KB, 15 views)
kt - run.rpl (110.2 KB, 12 views)
Last edited by Deuteria; Jul 12, 2013 at 05:42 AM.
Nice thread Hax !

I had the idea to make a thread to expose my style, why & how. So I think I'll make that thread and copy&paste in here :3