Original Post
Inventory Sale.
I'm selling everything in my inventory except for the Marine stuff, Textures and my head avatar.

Bronze Ghost: 2500 tc.
Bronze Torso x2: 4400 tc.
Hydra Force: 38000 tc or $5 USD. I paid full price, didn't get it through boosters etc.
Radioactive Relax: 1000 tc.
Aqua Primary Gradient: 300 tc.
Orc Secondary Gradient: 10 tc.
Marine Right Leg Trail: 400 tc.

Whole Inventory: 70,000 tc or $10 USD.

Note: If you are purchasing my inventory, you will only recieve the items shown above.

Some trades may be accepted.
If you would like to purchase something with real money, say so and I'll sort out the price.
Last edited by Kannibul; Aug 6, 2008 at 12:06 PM.
| Knbl.on.TB |
Proud member of Sigma. Proud congregator of BnW.