Original Post
Infracted for bad reason?
Well, since i was appointed here...

i seem to have been infracted for an ''useless post'' but i indeed did not post anything useless, i was simply making a head for an request... it seems that some people took offence because of how my head lacked in detail so they took it upon there power to punish me for it, so i took a look at the infraction and it states ''you're a dick'' why am i being called this just for creating a head for a person that needs one, i don't think this is a good reason to infract someone, unless creating textures for request are illegal?
The Boss!
New discord (Boss)$6855
Lets take a look at the post you were infracted for.

Throughout the whole post you were being extremely sarcastic and quite a dick to the user who probably didn't know much about the value of head textures and what they were asking for.

You were not infracted for how low detail the head was, you were infracted for being a dick to a new user.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
There i's not proof for an normal user like me to know he was new or an alt, and that's besides the point, the infraction was for useless post, you may deem it being sarcastic but i was doing as instructed making a head for the amount of tc and selling it, to this player it's from then if the requester decides whether to buy my head for the tc that he is not being sarcastic i'm still willing to sell him the art/head texture.
The Boss!
New discord (Boss)$6855
Hello thugin1. There are two possible explanations for that post:
1. The post is sarcastic. An attempt at a joke. You were being a dick to someone.
2. The post is not sarcastic. You think we're idiots for not realising the incredible talent, time and effort required to draw those 3 lines in that head texture.

Get out.