Original Post
so when about 4 years in this game I been noticing some difficulties with toribash and his is my question

is toribash getting a bit to old?
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
No? They are constantly updating the game and the program. They keep new items coming out on a regular basis and have even stretche out towards joining steam. What issues make you feel this way?
Te way that you phrased the question makes it seem as if you mean literally getting old like an old person crippling. I don't think that Toribash is getting old because as Wolfe said, they are constantly updating it and adding in new features to keep it alive such as the new hair colors, buddy lists, replay abilities, etc. The devs are doing whatever they can to keep it "fresh". So no it is not getting old, the only way I could see how it is getting old is if it was getting a little bit boring to the long time player.
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom