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[Self Advertisement] Mad World (Proctra Remix)
Hello, recently put together one of my first 'dubstep' tunes.
Surprisingly a remix of the critically acclaimed "Mad World" by Gary Jules,
aka the soundtrack of Donnie Darko (Also my favorite flick of all time).

I pieced this together during a writers block,
I though the outcome was fabulous, though I'm more proud of the mastering then the production.
It isnt my best,
but it's my newest, and I thought I'd share.

Thanks to my good buddy scootaloose for the visuals because my lazy ass aint got time fuh dat.
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Originally Posted by boStaff View Post
where's the sub bass?

Layered under that filthy mid. I actually specifically cut out the lows on the main to make way for a sub reinforcement.
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