Original Post
Make a point and refute others until you're right. Defend others from whoever thinks they're better, and challenge anything that you want to.

That is being an Attorney.

There are no rules being an Attorney, but you can and will be ejected if you're doing really stupid things.

Member List
- LogicTest
- Vrashedan
Last edited by LogicTest; Apr 6, 2013 at 04:53 PM.
You should do a better desc, read that link:

And xheck other clans' thread for a good desc exanple, but DO NOT COPY OTHERS CLANS' IDEAS, good luck bro.

Resquesting single-Ally
'Argue the crap out of everything' seemed pretty descriptive to me....

Or, at least as descriptive I could get without being obscure and/or making it overly complicated.
Last edited by LogicTest; Apr 4, 2013 at 01:31 PM.