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(vL) Vinyl
Welcome, to [Vinyls] clan thread

Quite a Rhythmic Member List

















[Vinyl] Allies

[Vinyl] Rules

-Be respectful
-Enjoy yourself

-Dont complain

-POST! <--- No, legit. Post.

[Vinyl] Clan Story

(I’ve given up on marking what things are SFW and NSFW, other than pictures, so let’s just say you wouldn’t want to read this story out in front of your teacher or parents)

1st Player: Rasmus0813
The story and history of this small band of nonintellectual fools begins back in the days of noobiness and contracting all. One morning, the current clan’s leader decided to make something of his life and transferred from the couch to his computer chair. However, he soon compromised since he has a slow-ass laptop with tons of Japanese anime tentacle pr0n. In the midst of his 24 hour searching and every hour on-the-hour fapping, he came across a video link to something called “Toribash”. “The Qemist - Obsolete Extrapolation”, it was titled. This horny Canadian watched in awe as he gazed upon the undeniable skill and talent that these people shared as they destroyed Uke, each other, and physics. “Ras”, as we shall refer to him, scoured the internet for an antagonizing 3 minutes and finally found himself face-to-face with the “Toribash - PC Download” link.
Ras contemplated his life in an instant, and saw that without this game, there would be no meaning anymore, as he is already a hopeless, Canadian, virgin, troll, and closet-brony at this point. He clicked his mouse pad with all his might, only to see it would take 5 hours for download to complete, (lol umad Ras? :3). It was only 11 P.M., so he decided to wait and have his 7th anime marathon of the week (and yes, it was only Monday >.>).
Anywhore, just before the giant tentacle being ripped the sexy fox-cat 12-year-old girl’s panties off, and with Ras’ bottle of lube and stack of socks/tissues on his right, his pepperoni-titted-excuse of a computer spazzed and shut off. Ras, of course, flips his shit and finds his pet hamster and throws it at his wall, only maniacally laughing at its squeak as it makes impact. After crying in the corner and cutting himself as he types on his blank laptop screen, it jumps back to life, (not the hamster, that shit’s only a ball of fur with one testical).
His laptop, defying all odds, comes back to the Windows Start Menu, and what do you know; a wild Toribash.exe appeared. Ras screamed with delight almost as loud as Fluttershy’s infamous “Yay”, and went to go show his mom and dad, both of which were plants. After his cactus father beat him with a pole, Ras hobbled back to his room where his only friends were pr0n and Wubs, (Dubstep). He slumped onto his bed, and double-clicked the Toribash Logo.
After little waiting, (because Toribash fixes everything -.-’) his screen flooded with the image of “Log-in/Register”. He thought for a while, and decided to just go with Rasmus0813, (you’re so original K). The next thing to enlighten his lonely-sole was the image of “God [Mad]Hampa”, (now referred to as “ass”), kicking off Uke’s head. Overjoyed, Ras went to the first tutorial where it took him an hour to get used to these new-flangled controls.
Feeling satisfied, he decided to flip-off Freeplay and dove write into Multiplayer, (were you high?!). He found it rather idiotic to start at random servers all titled, “FREE TC TITS AND DICK CUM LOLOLOLOL”, he decided to go to a more professional looking server for beginners. Finally connecting, after 5 minutes of waiting and stopping to piss in his already half-full Mountain Dew bottle, he was welcomed by the people there, (names have been lost and/or long forgotten). There, he learned to use chat, and his trolling pretty much started at that same moment, as well. Then came the moment of truth: his first match. His tori came into sight as he was up against a fully textured and flame covered white belt, (seems legit). Ras greeted with, “Hi thur”, and was answered with, “Stfu gay homo fag”. Ignoring this, he decided to see if he could still remember how to control his Tori. He managed to contact both knees and lost within the first 3 turns as he was Decapitated, arm-dismembered, nipple squeezed, motor boated, and raped onto the ground. Feeling ashamed with rage and noobiness, he left the server afterwards and decided to envelop himself in Freeplay.
Ras, still unable of performing anything close to nice, decided to start looking at YouTube tutorials for help. He learned some new starters, how to shovel, (we all regret that day T_T), how to decap, and even how to run. His skill greatly inclined from here as his social life dove below negative, (less than no friends :3), as he stood up to and fought much higher ranking belts than he was, and eventually bloomed into an amateur. While eating his 369th Plus-Sized bag of Doritos, Ras noticed something was different: he had TC. Not only that, but 10k TC. After shooting laser beams and rainbows out of his mouth from the bowels of his esophagus, he went to the forums to see what his nooby-self could purchase. Finding nothing of interest, he thoroughly searched the forum, and found he could create clans. Overjoyed, he decided to start one titled, [Reflexz]. Ras had also found friends on Toribash, by some miracle, and invited West206 in the clan as Co-Leader.
2nd Player: West206
From the depths of Mexico’s borderline arose a soul survivor of the Enchilada Apocalypse; Gayland (West206). (The author of this autobiography knows next to nothing about West, so he will tell how West was, based on his point of view). West quickly progressed his way to black belt from the start and befriended Ras on this journey. He somehow convinced/begged/bribed/forced/threatened Ras to make him the Co-Leader of the new clan, [Reflexz], and continued manipulating Ras’ butt hole and somehow got to position of leader, even though Ras paid for it. Ras, however, still had leader commands and moved him back down. Out of his rage, he spammed, flamed, raged, and finally temporarily left the clan. He later saw through his mistakes, found some self-humility and asked to join back, where Ras and the other members welcomed him with warm hearts, (“and soft dicks”- Rasmus0813, Hanukah 2012). Then, they decided one day to host another recruitment server, and in came a blue belt with all orc; Pieman4210.
3rd Player: Pieman4210
Pie was at home one day, just finished his scheduled and on-time fapping after being abused in the hood. He knew that there is more to the computer than Minecraft, Skype, and hentai, but still logged on Minecraft with his friends on Skype while having hentai playing in an Internet Explorer tab. Instead of being greeted with his friends with the typical, “Hey man wattup, doe?”, he was greeted by, “We were raided…. Again”, (which wasn’t unusual) but also, “But it’s ok, we got a sickass new game for you to try out. It’s called, ‘Tour-ee-bash…Turybash…oh, Toribash!’”. At first skeptical, he went to the Youtube link that was the same that Ras had seen. Now overwhelmed with potential and joy, he switched over to Google Chrome and downloaded it with 1,000kps, (lol umad Ras? :3). He went through the basic same stuff as Ras and was able to build skill after watching tutorials. By the time he was blue belt, he realized the rising in popularity in clans, and began his embargo for one. He eventually found a server for [Reflexz] recruiting. There, he was greeted by the kind Rasmus0813 and on-their-period West206. After some long-hard convincing, (lul), he was accepted in, showing minor skill and potential. He then distanced himself away from Minecraft and his old friends, and focused more into Toribash. The group began to spread their friendly tentacles across the TB community, eventually finding the simply complicated Chase.

Updated: May 11, 2014 (Damn, it’s been a whale since I edited this)

4th Player: Chase
(Original name was something like pedoDesu97 or someshit)
Chase had 2 things to care about in his life. Those were anime and trill step (you‘re so deep). No one knows, to this day, how he exactly discovered Toribash, but what they do know is how much of a forum-rat he is. Although, some have speculated that due to the oh-so high number of anime-lovers in the Toribash community, one of them must’ve spilled the beans over to Chase on some hentai-worshipping forum site. And he’s so much of a forum rat, in-fact, that he is still only a 3rd dan after about 3 years of joining the community, due to attempting to procrasturbate his hentai films while trying to not accidentally finishing to a picture of his decapitated, flailing corps (I still think he would do it for the fuck of it). What’s also known is that, although his game play is rustier then a 1700’s metal dildo lying in a moist-cave in Missouri, he has some way of making people give him dick-loads of TC and textures (Meanwhile I‘m sitting here with the only complete texture set I own is one Ras sent to me that he had apparently bought and it ended up being the fucking google set posted on the forums from 1987). The author does not judge the lovers of anime, however has found it hard to start watching more anime as the first one he ever watched and completed was Kiss X Sis. (Do you even know my pain?)


Life was good for the 4, until came, “Doomsday”, as they refer to it. Pie logged on one day to find that something was different about his name; there was no [Reflexz] in front. Nauseated, he sprinted over to the forums, in such a rush he forgot about his hentai, and saw that he was no longer a member of [Reflexz], as was no one else.


West grumpily got onto to TB, realizing shortly afterwards that maybe he should start changing his bum-ass ways and maybe circumcising how much of a dick he could be, but then noticed how he was no longer in the clan. Fuming smoke from any and every whole of his body, his dicklyness was about to turn into the equivalent of taking a bag of Viagra and seeing a busty, exposed version of Frostblade Irelia
( IS SFW) and went to go tell Ras off about kicking him out. Before he could finish his message of hatred, struggle, sadness, depression, romance, and brief NSFW material, he saw Ras’s name was also missing the [Reflexz] clan tag.


Chase woke up after crashing onto his comp for 14 hours of sleep while listening to his infinite play list of chill step, only to have a single coherent thought of “maybe toribash can wake me up”. However, this proved to no avail as he fell asleep again “mistaking” the “Play” button on his music for the Toribash logo and crashed once the music started playing. This was a repeated cycle until Ras and Pie were able to call Chase while he was awake. Chase never found out Reflexz was disbanded by logging on, the 2 had to tell him a week after this tragedy took place. (And I quote, “Fuk-damnit Chase” - Pie, 2013)


Ras logged on Toribash, went into a server, and noticed the same as the 3 did, and was speechless. The Game Masters were high on cocaine and condom latex and decided to shut down some random clans, active or not. They awaited a very long time going in and out of clans, Pie joined [TFO] for a while, all the time wishing it to be [GTFO] but to no avail, Chase started procasturbating to the tastiest of League of Legends’ Annie, Tristana, and Poppy hentai and West died temporarily -.-’. Bunch of yoloswag stuff later and Ras dueled 500 TC into 20k and was able to create a new clan that is sure to arise to the top, (or at least 69th); [Vinyl] (from Vinyl Scratch)


As of today, Pieman4210 is the only surviving member of (vL). However, everyone in the clan did not die, they just migrated elsewhere while Pie was apparently afk for 5 months. (In these 5 months happened to be the last stages of his hormonal-driven, (more like homonal), puberty, where he finally metamorphosed into a hormonal-driven teen. Feeling oh-so confident in his “matured-feeling-ass” he even asked out his middle-school crush a fucking total of 3 times, where she actually accepted twice, but later cancelled on the date (and yes, the author is still, in fact, sore-ass about this shit and continues to write away his fucking paper away to you, the damned reader, because you demand to be entertained by a love-sick, Asian, brony, racist, furry, clopper, lazy, OCD having, pretty much bipolar [on Wednesdays], freshman that tries to be ghetto at his ratchet-ass high school.) But all-in-all he’s a nice guy since he hasn’t done drugs yet…. Rite?…
Anywhore, Pie eventually remembered what a Toribash was and realized that the pointless-looking white circle, (since white things have no useful purpose), was the one and only Toribash logo. Only to have forgotten rage pent up into himself once again by playing and losing in quick aikido, he has been hesitant to play Toribash in his free time rather than LoL or even the occasional, mind-numbing Minecraft. However, being a soon-to-be 4th dan Black belt, he is looking more into starting the fucking challenging and time-consuming arts known as Sparring and Freerunning. Though he may be Asian, it still may be a while before he gets the hang of it. Until then, he shall attempt to continue this story each day something significant happens to either Ras, Pie, or Chase. (Btw, remember West206? Yea, he’s officially fucking ded after dueling away everything he had in 1 hour, so rip in hell.)


BONUS: How Ras and Pie became friends (butt-buddies)

Pie was doing the thing he did best: Fapping with his right hand while reaching over to his mouse with his left hand in order to control the NSFW game on his comp screen. He had just started, so he wasn’t THAT close to finishing, and then he got a call from his clan leader, Ras. Regretfully stopping to answer the call, he simply just minimized his browser and brought up Skype where Ras wanted Pie to show his face to the camera. Seeing opportunity for whatever the fuck he wanted to happen from this, he instead decided to share screens with Ras, while continuing to search for a “game” to play on his website (website may or may not contain virooses and tons of hentai, so message me only if you really want to experience the same me and Ras did). Ras wasn’t entirely sure what he was looking at first, due to his long-ass hair covering the majority of his face, but he soon figured out when he saw certain interactive game images going across the screen. Rofling in his seat, he tried making strings of words into a sentence for Pie. Eventually he was able to get out, “Pie, let’s play a game together pls”. More than obliged, Pie went back to the categories and had Ras pick out a game, while still screen-sharing. They eventually picked one of the shitty ones where you have to go certain places on a map and say correct things and end up fucking some chicks. They had heartily-filled laughs as they roamed, guessed, goofed, and got laid (virtually, of course. Virgins >_>). They found another game, where the objective was similar and simpler, where they just had to keep clicking random choices for chatting until they got fucked. However, Pie was unprepared for this specific game, for it was one he had never played, yet. He just barely made it through the blowjob, paizuri (tit-job), and dolphin-style sex, but he lost it once the position turned to doggy style, and may this author verify, that ass was PHAT. He had some decency (holy shit a miracle appeared) and was not fapping WHILE playing the game with Ras still talking with him over the Skype call, telling him what to click while chuckling along with Pie like the 2 dumbasses they were and still are, but Pie remembered how he had not finished from earlier, and the urge became unbearable for him. Trying to be polite, he said, “K, Ras gimme a min.” and muted his microphone so he could finish what was never finished. However, Ras was all too aware about what was going on, and started laughing hysterically for 3 minutes, but Pie had muted his speakers once he heard Ras’s chuckles starting. Pie finished with no regret 5 minutes later, and continued the call with Ras until he had to get off. They played several “games” after this day and still have many friendchips. If this pairing wasn’t more perfect for each other, than who the fuck is?


[]Reach 10k

[]Reach 10 members

[]Reach 20k

[]Reach 20 members

[]Reach 50k
[]Become official.

Our clan is invite only.
Last edited by calmdown09; Jul 31, 2014 at 04:11 PM.
Ok, pie, you're in charge of the story. MAKE IT GOOD. West, control the bitches (members and pie) and im still requesting the banner and such <3 ._.
R.I.P Dog | mediocre at best
haha, alright i will and do you have anyone in mind of making banner?