Original Post
Black Metal
Is anyone into raw black metal, like Bathory/Mayhem/Darkthrone/Burzuum ect?

I've been into black metal for most of my life and I'd like to find someone else I can discuss it with.

If you haven't listened to black metal before, here's one of my favourites:

If you don't understand it, don't bash it man.
It's evil and raw. Black Metal is, as they say, an 'acquired taste'.

Here's my definite favorite. I agree, (same goes for all metal sub/genres) people bash it yet, in our opinion, it's pure talent. :c
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie
Yeah I'm a huge fan of Gorgoroth, their Antichrist album is probably somewhere in my top ten favourite Black Metal albums.
What did you think of Dark Funeral?
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie
Pretty good, I'm more a fan of 'lo-fi' raw black metal as opposed to well produced stuff though ..but I like them, thanks for sharing dude.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
Blood Fire Death is more Viking Thrash.

True. I love Bathory's other albums too. Under the sign of the black mark is definitely alot more Black Metal than what Blood Fire Death is, I agree. Blood Fire Death is probably still my favourite Bathory album though. Which is pretty odd for me considering I'm usually more into Black Metal.

Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
Not entirely black metal, but incorporates elements.

Ehh, I don't know about incorporating Black Metal elements. I like Mathcore too luckily, stuff like The Dillinger Escape Plan. Gave it a listen anyhow, It's pretty decent. Too bad I'm going through a prominently Black Metal stage right now otherwise it'd probably be something I'd add to my iTunes. Thanks for sharing, Numbers.

Originally Posted by PhyscoXxXx View Post
Why is black metal so weird?

I was going to go into depths about how Black Metal is difficult to understand, and the like. Then I saw your username was 'PhyscoXxXx' and that pretty much instantly branded any opinion you have void. Try listening to Black Metal when you've matured past the age of 14.