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Did you know, hanz0 is only 4th dan?>
Yes, hanz0 The big guy who bans anyone and acts all business all the time

He's ONLY 4th dan and he also has worse win/loss ration THAN I DO
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Originally Posted by pusga View Post
shook is a blue belt

Yes, but I've never EVER noticed him anywhere and I've been on the forums for 5 years.

btw, the shook ones
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Originally Posted by SnuffTV View Post
Yes, but I've never EVER noticed him anywhere and I've been on the forums for 5 years.

lol ok
Last edited by pusga; Mar 6, 2013 at 09:52 PM.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
lol ok

no lie and I get banned every 3mths or so

@Dose and many people like me even don't care and don't give you props anyway
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1- Could be a brown belt for all we care , responsibility and maturity can get an individual to many places.

2- If this is related to your IRC ban , it's really pointless.

3- Wonder how long this will last .

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Why would you make such a stupid fuckin thread? So what if he's a 4th dan? belt doesn't mean shit , and you've been on tb for 5 years but yet you only have 11 posts.
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