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Clan Games Thread
This is a little different than the Gaming Thread.

I intend to play older games for a week or so and then post about my exploits.
I also invite everyone else to join in. Obviously not multiplayer since a lot of them aren't really advanced enough.

My posts will contain pics and a description of them. Once again, join in with the same formula. I might review it as well.

This weeks game: Rollercoaster Tycoon 2!
Annnnnd a week has passed.

So I really liked Rollercoaster Tycoon 2. I sucked at it, and it wasn't exactly all clear on how to play but I managed to get some sort of profits after a while.

First screenshot.

I thought starting in a castle would be cool, but I dun goofed and spent all my money on a sightseeing monorail. Then I restarted and accidentally wrecked the castle by building something through it. So I gave up on the castle idea completely and went for a new place.

Alright, this is the new place that I went with, a tropical island complete with impassable terrain and thick jungle. Rather than flattening it all I built raised walkways across the island and right in the middle I stuck an observation tower. I thought maybe it would be a ride enough just to see that whole island from really high up. I'm pretty sure I built it unusually high too.

This is the observation tower in effect. Plus some shops and a couple of less intense rides for the kiddies. At this point in the game I was basically broke. I didn't really know what I was doing. I still felt cool I guess. The observation tower is a bit awkwardly away from everything though.

Closer up to the little shopping district plus a few other types of rides. I thought if I could get some income from these little ones it would be good. They're also quite cheap so it works for me. Unfortunately I didn't rename any of them from their default names. Meh.

A couple more rides, including the new rollercoaster in a delicious brown. It would later be changed. It was gross, although I did have a jungle theme to explore. Note all the little balloons above everyone! You can pop them as they float up in the air.

This is the last one. I can see myself playing it more, especially in this park. I had gotten it to produce a couple of thousand a month, which is quite the achievement for me. Added a new rollercoaster - The Flying Dutchman Gold Mine! This was a bit of a seller actually. In the end I think that little slide was raking in the most dough. There was vomit piling up in places, I had to pick up my handymen and drop them on it to make sure they cleaned it, even after I set patrol routes for them all. I added signs for each ride in the colour scheme they sported. Also added Jetskis, perhaps before this screen though, probably the most expensive ride even though people kept lining up for it.

In conclusion, I recommend this to people who want to play something that doesn't have a story or puzzles they have to think about too much. You can just let your brain go on autopilot for a little while. It may even de-stress you a little, that is until people stop lining up for all of your rides except the jetskis, complaining that everything costs too much and you don't know how to fix it. But that only happened once. It will only happen once. I pray it only happens once.