Original Post
Very sad news.
I'm very sorry to have say this guys, but Lars is dead.
I found this out a few hours ago when Dubs pointed it out on Lars' Facebook.
It seems to have happened some time last week.

Personally, this hurt a lot to hear and I don't feel too good.
I just spent close to two hours in my closest friend's arms, crying over the loss of another of my very closest friends.

Rest in peace Foxfag, we all miss you.
I'm sorry this is the best I could type about this.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
It's a really sad thing that I was just totally unprepared to deal with.
Lars was too stubborn a person to actually give in, I thought he would be around forever.

See you man.

Please forgive the negative space and horrible job on this picture.
i read this waaaay sooner, in the hour or two after brubs posted it. i'm not sure what to say. just took a moment of silence there. i'm still thinking on it. brubs knew him bestest in terms of bromance. curiously it's lars's presence and attitude on the forums that gave our little clan clique group groupie some attitude, and also got learned into mine. like a lot.

multiple hats off to a fucking fancy fox.
I guess I'll get out of my shell of stupid and say something
All I can think of is how short tempered I was with him for reasons that literally make little to no sense
Only now do I realize how much of a bitch I was to him and its too late to apologize and my self loathing is so fucking high
I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself
Besides that I'd say Lars was was a respectable, fluffy, and amazing dude that deserved more from me than I gave him because wow foxes are so cute and cuddle fluffs and lovable
I'd say more but my thoughts can't really process much of things
Lars will always be my sexy fox rainbowman and I'll always be his pimp
Wow, this is sad news indeed. He seemed like he would be here's really surprising hearing this.

Rest in peace, bro, rest in peace.
Proud member of [Pandora]
I did not expect to see this at all. I just feel devastated. I'm sorry, Brubert. I know what it's like to lose a very close friend.

Rest in peace, Lars.
master of the universe
I'm happy to have known such a man. Shared some great times with this guy.

Sorry to see this clan lost such a big member.