Original Post
Requesting tribal trails and floor texture (20k)
I will pay 20k for black tribal textured trails and black tribal floor textures
This is a preview of the work. Of course I suppose you want all trails differents, but make me know changes you require to this style of trail.
DoN't FoRgEt tO VisiT mY LiTTle HeaDShoP:
Edark's ToY ArT HeAdShOp

Hey, and watch all my work at Edark's Gallery
Originally Posted by Looneo View Post
Edark can you tell me file names of trail's textures?
Sorry for offtop, but i think i can make a try.

No problem for me. Read this thread made by ronalds:
The ultimate guide to unleashing the true potential of your custom folder
DoN't FoRgEt tO VisiT mY LiTTle HeaDShoP:
Edark's ToY ArT HeAdShOp

Hey, and watch all my work at Edark's Gallery
Originally Posted by Edark View Post
This is a preview of the work. Of course I suppose you want all trails differents, but make me know changes you require to this style of trail.

quite nice