Original Post
[Competition]Whore out for my own amusement (Free DotA)
K so.
1 Tell other people about this, so people know secret shares
2 This is legit ill hand out all of these invites since i dont need them
3 Guess Zoro cant compete , umad.jpg ?
4 I must get amused
5 If your to cheap to get me amused ill accept other trades or bribes.


What would you do for this? be creative.
Be creative? That's not really my best side but, umm, bribery?
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Check what I got. Something might please ya.

And for all? I was only looking for one:P
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Read this post, and come across my tale.

If amusement is what you seek, then read on friend
I will convince you by this tale's end.

Don't worry, I'm not actually writing you a poem.
Instead, I'm going to show you that you are morally obliged to share Dota 2 with me.

First point. As humans, we mainly seek to increase the pleasure of those around us, however, in this global economy it is very hard to know where the boundaries are for "those around us". Where does it stop? I would argue that after the advent of the internet, there are no boundaries. We are linked to all of humankind (or atleast those who have computers and internet, fuck the rest). In being linked, however distantly, we still strive to bring happiness and joy to others.
Now, this would be a good enough reason to give to just anybody, so why should you give one to me? I have never experienced the wonder that is Dota. I am a blank slate. I have none of the bad habits that you despise of players in the game. I can only improve your online gaming experience, so in a way, by giving it to me, you are also helping yourself.

Second point. I don't need a second point. That first one was gold.
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
ej gibe steam id pls

teague: at least you said pringles, even tho that isnt even your content i forgot i made that ;) , gibe steam id pls.

aikido: that was lame, why would i give fucks at all, a poem would had get you the prize . BUT ill give you a chance of a rebound.

"Lets assume i want to have the joy to know that your happy cuz of the DotA i may give, but thats because im a selfish person...." - how does this make sence?