Original Post
Does it cost to revive clans?
I heard that clans can be revived but my question is can orgs be revived? I will really like to revive Hunters started by zoro but I want to know how. Also, I would like to know HOW to revive a clan/org too.

Edit: I want to know if reviving clans cost money.
Last edited by TrendyKill; Jan 17, 2013 at 10:08 PM.
It's an extremely new org so I would suggest, as with clans, you contact the original leader and get his permission first.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
To revive a clan or an org, you need some of the original members. If you're reviving it without the original members, or you're reviving it on your own, then you have to pay.

Rules aren't as strict for orgs, you just need a good reason and people to back you up.

In either case it may be up to the council as to whether or not it goes ahead. Unless it looks really good. In which case you might get the board back right away. Doesn't happen much.
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
To revive a clan or an org, you need some of the original members. If you're reviving it without the original members, or you're reviving it on your own, then you have to pay.

Rules aren't as strict for orgs, you just need a good reason and people to back you up.

In either case it may be up to the council as to whether or not it goes ahead. Unless it looks really good. In which case you might get the board back right away. Doesn't happen much.

How much do you have to pay exactly?