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Joint Textures
I'm wearing a raider force and chest texture. But I don't like is that the white star on my chest becomes bluish in my replays, how do I fix this?

The texture stays there no matter what.

/dl and /lp Erth and look at what he does, I love it.

Anyway, it's a texture, so you can't do anything about it.

You can try buying a force that looks like the relax color, or just try and see through its blackspot.
It becomes blue because the hold is blue, you cannot buy a hold/relax joint texture, it's both.

The texture can't go away from there because what if you rotated your chest?

It would disappear from the relax, messing up the texture, right?

Erth seems to have the full body joint texture pack, he loves it, but the same hing happens with his joint texture as with everyone else.
No, you don't need to do anything at all. You can buy something close to your relax color. (NOT A JOINT TEXTURE)

Anyway, since the secondary part of your texture is blue, and your hold texture is blue, it'll be like that.

the joint texture can still be seeable from a little zoom in.

Or just Try and play with it.

To get rid of the blue, you can always make another texture, or you can deactivate it, I cannot see joint textures on 3.9.
Wait, my other joints need to be blue, but the star on my chest texture becomes blue too, which I do not like.

You know how to fix that?
Your texture can't disappear, It will stay there, but you can lighten the force color, or you can lighten the star to white, it's currently yellow.

It wouldn't disappear because the hold/relax has the texture when you hold/relax/contract/extend.

Your force color is dark, making THAT dark, making the force and the texture dark, making it turn blue acccording to your force color, making it look like it's messed up which it's not, making that the whole summary.

Everyone has this, you can just get a lighter joint texture, look at Erth's left pec texture, that looks kinda funny.
Originally Posted by JorreI14 View Post
Wait, my other joints need to be blue, but the star on my chest texture becomes blue too, which I do not like.

You know how to fix that?

you cant fix it.
until u use this force it will EVER become this..
if u change the force colour it will get this colour then.

i would rate to turn it in-out, so make the star Blue and the rest how the star now is. it will look better then it does now. (try it out)

but there is absolutley no fix. that the texture stays how it is in relax....
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Anything white or close to white becomes either transparent or semi-transparent and shows the color underneath it with joint textures.
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