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What is your belief?
What i ask not religion belief
but your...ermm....i don't know how to put this
the example is like this

"I belief that one day everyone will understand each other"
"Money is everything"
or sumthing like that

strat from me
my belief is "Speed can conquer anything"
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
"Yolo is carpe diem for stupid people" and "Most problems you have when your young can be solved with and Xbox"
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Well, I believe that given absolute power, in a week, I could reshape the world into something that doesn't resemble a shithole. This would involve a robotic nursery, and forced segregation of children and adults until the point where several scientists chosen by me, and no one else, would have sole influence over the children, leading to a better tomorrow.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Well, I believe that given absolute power, in a week, I could reshape the world into something that doesn't resemble a shithole. This would involve a robotic nursery, and forced segregation of children and adults until the point where several scientists chosen by me, and no one else, would have sole influence over the children, leading to a better tomorrow.

While were at it, lets make them all chant 50 times a day of how great of a leader you are.

Originally Posted by Devil View Post
While were at it, lets make them all chant 50 times a day of how great of a leader you are.

Make it 500.
"When life give you lemons, THROW THE LEMONS BACK AT LIFE!"
"What can't money do?"
"With Determination and Strength, anything can be accomplished."
mindless machine
Well its not called a belief.Its called a motto,so maybe you can rename The title and say what is your motto.Now that I explained to you,My motto is....Enjoy life while you can. Yes,you are hearing that from a 11 year old.What I mean by that is do whatever you want in life.You control your life And nobody else does. Don't Stop doing what you like just because somebody else doesn't Like it
This world is cold and cannot be changed.Only one man can change it and that is me!