Original Post
[S] Deactivated
raider force 31k
Toxic force 25k
Full 128 32.5k each
Full camo 25k
Velvet force 45k

And buying you items!
Buying, selling, trading thread!!
Last edited by rain46; Dec 22, 2012 at 06:25 PM.
Originally Posted by Ishi
.III) One thread per person. You are allowed to have one active thread in a forum at a time, do not make multiple active auctions, shops or requests.

Please close all your active threads and leave the important one or create a new one.
Originally Posted by Ishi
I) All sales threads must clearly state which forms of payment are accepted, for example "TC only" or "high-value items". Failure to comply with this rule will result in the closure of your thread.

Please add available payment methods within 24 hours or I have to close your thread.