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How to market effectively?
Can anyone teach me how to market fast and effectively?

I've heard of many players making large amounts of TC in a short time just from marketing.
Like I heard that Flamezzzzz made over 300k just from marketing in a very short amount of time (He said he buys a bunch of cheap items and sells them for more than they actually are, but I don't see people being stupid enough to buy an item that's like 1000x the original price).
Last edited by Sparta; Dec 21, 2012 at 06:24 AM.
[20:07] <@SpartaCraft> This is the sexiest potato I've ever made.
Buy anything that is being sold cheap and resell it for more than you bought it.

Marketing isn't really any more complex than that. Though you can manipulate the market if you have a lot of tc eg by buying the last few packs of some kind then selling them at whatever price you want, etc.
Originally Posted by SpartaCraft View Post
Can anyone teach me how to market fast and effectively?

I've heard of many players making large amounts of TC in a short time just from marketing.
Like I heard that Flamezzzzz made over 300k just from marketing in a very short amount of time (He said he buys a bunch of cheap items and sells them for more than they actually are, but I don't see people being stupid enough to buy an item that's like 1000x the original price).

a good/moderate start amount will help alot, as more stuff u can buy and more u can sell at once...

actually do what the cow said, just buy stuff and sell it for higher..
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Thanks, I'll try it and see if it works. lol
[20:07] <@SpartaCraft> This is the sexiest potato I've ever made.