No tc? How do you expect people to buy items.

The game would be all boring with out items and tc.

What would be the point if everyone looks like plain tori and uke.

Most of the texture artists will be out of business and marketeers wouldnt be needed.

there would be no more tournies no more huge forum events.

It would just be a terrible idea if this were to happen.

I strongly disagree.
Originally Posted by MrRobson View Post
i think toribash should revert back to its original ways. there should be no tc, that will eliminate the need for farming and ect.
I think people should just play for fun and not worry about tc and stuff, it will make the game more fun and there wont be multiclienters, farmers, scams and all that types off people. Toricredits make the game too competitive and people are more likely to go mad and rage quit and ect.
Toricredits are a problem and wrecking the toribash community.
Anyone Agree?

absolutley no. if u would do that this just destroys the game completley.. most of the users which are actually do marketing and stuff would say "hey thats not fair i worked for this shit!" and will go inactive.
also what do u want with the people which bought TC and boosters ? shall they get their money refund??

actually TC are the only reason why people are still in multiplayer(je there still a few players which play for fun... but more which play for tc..)... if there would no TC much much much less people will play multiplayer.. because why should they?

also u dont have to do anything with TC AND u cant get better with more tc. so it just doesnt matter if one leavs at the end of a tourney or so. because its just som virtual money...
if there would be a feature, which adds some special functions to ur tori, which u really have to buy.. then u could ask this... but for now nah..

and what will happen with all the items u got for hard earned tc?

so which u planned there is pretty bad idea. there enough more reasons to let them in , then deleting them...

its like in the real world. there would be too much people pissed if u just deletes all the money on the world.. also much people would like it.. but it will come a great great chaos!!

so hope thats enough which is against your "make away the tc"
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You know how removing tc would contribute to this community?
In not a single way.

No competitive gameplay at all (Toribash is MEANT to be competitive, what do you think fighting is about? Drinking tea?)
No Texturing (you are probably only seeing the top of the iceberg)
No marketing
No customization on your tori
No events
And a lot more

Multiclienting and farming Are used for QI and rank too, think about what you post next time, because removing tc would just cut the comunity.
No TC - No Toribash

There is no way we can stop people from farming people will always find away to do it and attempt to get away with it, as long as the mods do there job good things will be fine.

Things are a lot better then they were in 09, I saw a lot of farmers then and now I haven't seen one sence(but I know people still do it).
I can see where he's coming from, and at the same time I know why it's not the right thing to do.

On one hand - it'll mean farming is pointless, the market wouldn't be full of money grubbers, scamming wouldn't happen as much (if at all) and noobs could be like everyone else.

On the other hand - there would be no visible distinction between people who've been around a while & "worked" to get what they have, textures would be bland (most are too lazy to make their own + no tc = no texture market), betting wouldn't exist... Well I'm not overly thrilled with betting but meh.

Basically a lot would change, not necessarily for the better.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you