Original Post
should i buy tori Prime?
Hey guys just need to know how much does toribash prime cost and should i buy it... ik it would make my look so much cooler on the forums so should i buy?
you have to earn it.buying it doesn't mean you are cooler.

False. Buying ToriPrime/VIP makes you 100% cooler. ~m
Last edited by marcus; Nov 20, 2012 at 07:27 AM.
Originally Posted by jigyansu View Post
you have to earn it.buying it doesn't mean you are cooler.

AFAIK there's only a handful of people that have earned it. Do you even know what TP is?
I wouldn't listen to this guy.

Buy it if you want, it's worth it. The TP Secret Forum is really fun place. Lots of cool guys around there.
If you have cash for it I'd recommend it. Not only do you get increased avvy size and sig space but, as Mr Cow said, you get access to the super amazing secret ToriPrime board.

jigyansu: Yea...you have no idea what you're on about. If you don't understand the question please don't answer. The one thing worse than a lack of an answer is a wrong answer though I appreciate you trying.
Sure, I guess you should... that is if you want to. I mean you've basically only joined Toribash, lets say 2 months ago? Some people have been around sice 2007 and haven't bothered to buy ToriPrime. And no, it doesn't make you "cooler', as lumpysolo said: unless if you want to get harassed until your final breath, then I wouldn't suggest getting it.

[Atlantic] [Ethr] [Team Australia]

12:18 AM - Sonic: I fucking want a bisexual pride flag cake.
To be honest, I do not see the point in spending 17 dollars on something that makes your avatar huge and adds a post background that makes reading posts incredibly difficult.

As for the extra board I here, it's just like wibbles and that was no fun at all.
Originally Posted by Metta View Post
To be honest, I do not see the point in spending 17 dollars on something that makes your avatar huge and adds a post background that makes reading posts incredibly difficult.

As for the extra board I here, it's just like wibbles and that was no fun at all.

TP board is great.

You need VIP to add a background.