Original Post
[Hunters] Clash of the Teams thread
Guys, we will be participating in this. Me and Pitcher can participate for sure, we need one more main player(with similar GMT) and one substitute. My GMT is +02:00 and Pitcher's is +01:00. People who are in similar timezones and have greater multiplayer experience will be preferred. Post here if you are willing and able to participate. The sooner, the better, or we may not make it in time.

Our team name will be Imakandi, based on the greatest hunters in the Samurai Jack universe*. They were four of them, so we have a perfect fit for this event.

So, go. Go go go.

For now, The confirmed Imakandi team members are as follows


Substitute: fantyful

*If you think that show is just for kids, go smack your head against a wall until you find an appreciation for greatness. Or until you're no longer consciuos and/or alive. Of course, I was totally kidding these last two sentences. Or was I?
Last edited by lordtiger; Nov 12, 2012 at 09:27 AM. Reason: updated again
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Seriously guys, if anyone can participate and wants to, post here. This event will probably get popular and I want us to be ready as soon as we can, so that we can make sure to participate in it. I can't send them TC from the bank until we've decided on our team. Come on
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
I could join but I can't do anything in multiplayer (and I'm dead all the time so can't even come there.. )
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
@JackCreed: These are the mods


We have Tyler from GerU confirmed on our team, his GMT is the same as Pitch's. We just need a confirmation from one of our members for the substitute position, but he has to be absolutely sure he'll be able to make it.

It's first on a "First come first served" basis, so get moving
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself: