Original Post
[S] Dark Soldier Set

Set: Dark Soldier

Artists- XxanamyxX, and ToriSolo
Body Displayed in 128x128 Resize-no
Head Displayed in 256x256 Resize-no
Tc only
Ending 12 Hours after last valid bid

Starting bid 10ktc
Minimum raise 1ktc
Auto Buy 25ktc
NO STUPID OFFERS (1ktc, 2ktc, 3ktc)
Last edited by Xany; Oct 30, 2012 at 09:49 PM.
Not intelligent, just dedicated.
.:: Discord | Xanny#0798 ::.
I give you magnetta force for it
<hampa> tree what do you think about the new clan system?
<treestand> Garlic Bread.....Garlic Bread...
*magnetite force? and no i already have magnetite relax. i dont need the force. "TC only"
Not intelligent, just dedicated.
.:: Discord | Xanny#0798 ::.
Not meaning to be pushy but you can sell for 20k and thats more then you wanted to get so in the long run you get better deal
<hampa> tree what do you think about the new clan system?
<treestand> Garlic Bread.....Garlic Bread...
ok took your advice thanks treestand, i havent received a valid bid yet, since its TC only. so i am still able to..

changed the minimum bid and raise bid
Not intelligent, just dedicated.
.:: Discord | Xanny#0798 ::.
I give you 15000 for it
<hampa> tree what do you think about the new clan system?
<treestand> Garlic Bread.....Garlic Bread...
I pay 16k
I pay 15k with out head
Last edited by VenomVoid; Oct 31, 2012 at 12:16 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I love you baby! Im always gonna be here for you!
alright, just wait 12 hours if no one else bids its yours.
Not intelligent, just dedicated.
.:: Discord | Xanny#0798 ::.
Hey sorry you took so long to respawned i spent tc but i can give you 256z256 head and 606 tc?
I love you baby! Im always gonna be here for you!
im sorry im going for tc only. you can sell that texture and come back to me with a tc offer.
Not intelligent, just dedicated.
.:: Discord | Xanny#0798 ::.