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Why Pure is the only hair color that needs qi?
Yeah the title says it all.
Every hair color doesn't need qi. But pure does (as you can see here).

I'd like yo buy one when I get hair but I must have 10k qi :/
pure hair color doesnt change ur hair color im not sure if its a problem or is meant to be like that
I believe the idea is that only old people have gray/white hair. So you need qi (Years of experience) to be an oldie.
Originally Posted by Abdydude View Post
pure hair color doesnt change ur hair color im not sure if its a problem or is meant to be like that

Hmm I didn't know about this.

Originally Posted by Raxez View Post
Well other pure items need a hi qi too, I think this is a possible reason too

Well, I don't think so.
If that was the reason, void, demon and elf should require qi too, right?
Guys, just letting you know, ^all that is offtopic.

Anyways, I would have to say that is is probably the most wanted hair. I mean, white hair could go well with any set.
Now you are probably going to be saying, "Oh what about void and demon?".
Well, I don't know.
. viiiiiiiid
pure has always needed 10k Qi.
Kept as a reward to those that stick around that long.
although it is odd that the others dont have the usual Qi reqtrictions
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