<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Well, just about nothin' jeeb, been hyding around lately, lurking in the darkest depths of the land of ethernet cables.

Bored out of my more-than-likely borderline PD mind.

How are things going for you? Hows the car?
I knew the maple seerup would lure them in right quick. Jebus man, I've been working hard to make you proud ~65+ hrs a week. One day I'll move to canada, and bring a reliable internet with me.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Haha, sounds fun, Hyde. Still attempting to educate the masses and such in the "Discussion" section?
Things are going pretty good. Same old same old really, but I like routine ;)
The car is purring away just fine too.

Spartan, you have no idea. I'd kill for some Mayple Seerup, but what to put it on...I can't be assed to make pancakes....leads to dishes....sit there for weeks. Whole big mess, y'know?
65 hours a week?! You animal. Doing what? If you don't mind me asking. Also you can save your pennies for I have acquired a new, fast, reliable Canadian internets for my very own. Been catching up on some online gaimz and getting back in to poker.
seerup is still gewd raw.

Animal is right. I put full time hours in working for my neighbor, who is an electrician (I know how you worry so I didn't tell you right away ;), and then some bonus hours bagging groceries at a nearby store.

My pennies thank you, which games are you into now? Moose Hunter XXL? SingStar Canada? Tundra?
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Originally Posted by Jebus View Post
Haha, sounds fun, Hyde. Still attempting to educate the masses and such in the "Discussion" section?
Things are going pretty good. Same old same old really, but I like routine ;)
The car is purring away just fine too.

Spartan, you have no idea. I'd kill for some Mayple Seerup, but what to put it on...I can't be assed to make pancakes....leads to dishes....sit there for weeks. Whole big mess, y'know?
65 hours a week?! You animal. Doing what? If you don't mind me asking. Also you can save your pennies for I have acquired a new, fast, reliable Canadian internets for my very own. Been catching up on some online gaimz and getting back in to poker.

That dream died a while back. I try, and try, but, I guess I should stop trying. In 2 years I will be a full fledged pharmacist . This year and then next year is mainly like being a resident at a hospital. I'll have to work at an outpatient pharmacy or something.

Also, glad to hear about the internet. Have you been making art?
Always a thrill seeker eh? Crazy bastard. Well, at least you don't work in India ;)


I'm mostly just re-playing some Xbox games I already had, like Crysis 2 and Red Dead. Doing a little mmo-ing too. Not a whole lot. Moose Hunter XXL does sound intriguing though...
What are you guys playing?

Damn Hyde, that's awesome. I'll have to call you up in 2 years and we'll talk about my "prescription" ;););)
I'm still artsing around. I stopped with digital art for a while and switched to tradition mediums because I felt my fundamentals sucked. So I'm trying to get used to actually looking where I'm drawing/painting again, lol.

Anyways, I didn't realize you guys still lurked around here. I guess now that all the "Zomg Maek my a set plis GUy" pms have stopped I'll have to check in on ya'll once in a while.
Originally Posted by Jebus View Post
I'll have to check in on ya'll once in a while.

(bonus points for canada themed gif)

Haven't been playing too many games lately, in my free time I start making a tune in FL Studio, but never finish them. I'm up to around 50 unfinished tunes at this point.
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body