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just a question aout clans
if this is in the wrong place then im sorry that i thought this wat the right place to put it

my question is that what are clans for and what do you do in it, and if it enhances the game in any possible way, if you can tell me at least 1 why reason please tell me : )
theres no Secret to multyplayer, only techniques and moves to it, but the secret to training is to experiment every joint to know its behavior
much people are in a clan because its rlly bored to play alone every time, maybe they are in a clan thatīs in their language so you can write in the clan servers youre language and not english.. every clan is like a big familiy ( most of them ^^)
you can make clan wars and can reach rank 1 in the clan rankings so you can do alot with a clan, you can join an clan only event and that stuff...
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

Helping admins since 2013 (Can't ya'll leave this alone?)
Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
A "Clan" is a group of members, there isn't really much more to it.
If you are in a clan, you get a clan tag in game andmin forums, just like mine, spintoris.
There is "Clan war" where 2 clans battle against each other, the winning clan ranks up.

Idk what more to say, join a clan to find out ;)
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
There is "Clan war" where 2 clans battle against each other, the winning clan ranks up.

not completly right ;) both clans get Battle points (the winner clan more the the loss clan) and if the winner clan got more points then the clan over him he ranks up ^^
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

Helping admins since 2013 (Can't ya'll leave this alone?)
Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
ok thanks : S
theres no Secret to multyplayer, only techniques and moves to it, but the secret to training is to experiment every joint to know its behavior