Original Post
The most realistic walk ever...
I was wondering if someone had already done a realistic walk here in Toribash .. I was wondering what was the most realistic of all ..
[NM] & [Neon] <3 | Spar4Evah
I dont remember anyone has done a realistic walk in toribash. You can look on replays thread. I once saw someone do a realistic walk but its crappy though its the best walk i've ever seen.

You can make a realistic walk if you make a mod with the right thrust, weight, force etc. But in classic mod, i guess that's not easy. You could even use a script.
~knight zero~
noobie replay or didnt happen.
Lemon tried about a year ago, but failed, havent seen anyone else trying, Jaker should be ablt though.
Become a phantom
Mac Muffins.
I've seen a replay of Nirs walknig as well. Also, here is my walking:

I play video games for my entertainment and sometimes records them for your entertainment as well.
Pivot, nice trying...
But Don't look so much realistic..
I believe Jake can make this..
Someone know where I can find it?
[NM] & [Neon] <3 | Spar4Evah
Ah well, this is my best walking replay (my only one, uh). Finished it about 6-12 months ago.

It's not too good (in fact it's pretty bad) but I thought it would be cool to post it here.

Off-topic: To the guy below, no thanks. I stopped playing Toribash a while ago.
Attached Files
0ri - Realistic - Walking.rpl (132.6 KB, 107 views)
Last edited by 0rigami; Jun 6, 2012 at 12:20 AM.
Ask swex to do this.
And btw Mosier, Nirs and NutHug have walked in their replays, its not that impossible.
0ri's walking was fine too. Just work on it, not that hard.
0rigami, nice walk!
I will ask to swex to make this..
He probably can make a realistic walk..
[NM] & [Neon] <3 | Spar4Evah