Original Post
Who has a full 512 set and wants to get paid?
I'm looking to make a set but I would need screenshots to sell it.
I realise that I can put it in my custom folder, but the process is long and it comes out in 128x128.
If you want to get paid 2k, post here once and I'll contact you once I finish the set.
Ohey dose

Last edited by masterexploder77; May 13, 2012 at 11:51 PM.
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You can customize uke
you don't need 512x512 custom
just copy the 512x512 texture .tga file and paste it on uke's custom
you'll see the texture ingame comes out in 512x512 on uke
Please bring back Organiζations board
omfg if you are really that stupid pay me...
(you can make a 512pic and add it as .tga in any custom folder you want. and when you just have the 128pics you still can scretch it to 512 and add in a custom folder ^^)
nuff said
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
paste with the correct filenames in ukes custom folder, if it doesnt come out at 512x512, then you're doing something wrong or your textures arent high quality
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-