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How to make trail textures?
I see so many trail textures around.
Can you also tell me how they do the transparent thingy
Not sure about trails, you can buy them like regular textures i think:S
However transparent is when you leave something on the painting blank (not white).
I think it can only be made in sostiphicated art programs, like Photoshop, but idk.
Anyway, with higher quality in game the transparency dissapears.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Just make a part of the texture blank (NOT WHITE BLANK TRANSPARENT) and then save it as png. And trail textures can be bought from the torishop just as other textures but it costs 5k.
Just draw something and everything you dont want oto see ingame make it transparent with gimp or paint
After you done that when you upload it it will look black or white
But ingame it will be invisible
trail texts are at market or sell thread aroun 4 k each