Original Post
Freestyle challenge #9 - Spacecraft
Hello and welcome to the Ninth freestyle challenge!

Spacecraft/space base. Create any type of space vehicle (things like orbital space colonies and satellites fit) In space orbiting any planet you would like (a planet in our solar system is suggested, as you can get some excellent textures from nasa's site. Not needed though, go ahead and make your own planet if you want!)

If you made a concept, a sketch or something like that, post it too.
Write one or two sentences on how you made it. We are interested.
If your work has a certain sense, or story - post it.
Please link to every resource used, the less the better.
Premade models are not allowed, but premade textures may be used for planets in our solar system.

What we'll look at

Concept and execution
Render quality & scene setup

Make your render as amazing as possible, blow our minds!

Tut Links:
Andrew Price: Part 1
Andrew Price: Part 2
Last edited by Deridor; May 15, 2012 at 12:04 AM.

That Animation is hilarious... it reminds me of cartoons or something where a f;ying saucer is hung in front of a telescope XD mainly due to the shadow it casts on the earth.

Would love to see the ship in more detail though... the focus was the ship not the earth :P if it has to be an animation, it'd be cool to see a bunch orbiting the planet ominously... and would make the bright red backlight on the earth seem a bit more logical (like it was under attack etc...

Oh shit I should have seen this earlier, now the summer vacation starts and diablo is released tomorrow :O I am sure I can find time for this, really interesting compo seeing as I have made 4-5 spacecrafts earlier! will be great fun.

Is there any deadline?
I think I'll put a 1-2 month deadline on this, due to inactivity and my ambitions for the project (I want them to look really nice :P).

Put a couple cool links up, they're a blender tutorial, but a lot can be used in other programs.

wanted to make something simple because the comp I'm sitting on now is very slow so too much faces will make it really laggy. I named it "Iron Wasp" because I think the stripes and long body reminded me a little of a wasp. Rendered with Maya 2012 in mental ray.
Last edited by Ezeth; May 18, 2012 at 01:46 AM.
Finally got around to it.

So, I didn't have a lot of time, so neither a complex scene nor complex materials.
Model itself started from a tube and was remodelled by extruding and so on. Added pipes and lights... and that's it.

Should've left out the planet



Last edited by wiirus; Jun 12, 2012 at 03:51 AM.
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