Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
So, we need some kind of plan to get the clan active again and a clear purpose for it to exist, just saying that we are a social clan doesnt really cut it anymore(we need a gimmick or something)
Our main priority just now should be to get more members through the doors and to generate some positive interest in the clan. To that end il throw up betting servers as often as i can bring myself to, but i have some issues dealing with the current generation of ADD kids that seem to infest said betting servers, so i might need some help with that.
We need to start generating funds again so we can do some clan events or something along those lines.
Im pretty terrible at the Forum aspect of the Community so someone needs to take the responsibility for that stuff.
Lastly once we get active again, id like it to stay that way if at all possible so we should all start posting more often. Surely theres some interesting stuff you have to talk about, what do you like? what do you hate? We all have diverging interests, so tell us about the shit that you like, just, whatever.

So, ideas for getting us up and running again go here.

Also we are lowering the standards for joining as of now at the suggestion of the Kex as it is a sensible idea. As long as the person in question can hold an intelligible conversation and not spam retardation through the forums then i think we should at least consider them.
Originally Posted by FinalWish View Post
Also we are lowering the standards for joining as of now at the suggestion of the Kex as it is a sensible idea. As long as the person in question can hold an intelligible conversation and not spam retardation through the forums then i think we should at least consider them.

So, I'm a strict person for recruiting/accepting, I might not be the best person to judge in this criteria. How low are we talking here? My main issue is maturity. If they're dumb and stupid, I really don't think we should accept them, but I can tolerate a little stupidity for shits and giggles if you know what I mean.

Also, love everything else you stated. I'm totally up for hosting bet servers, but from me failing college classes I'm taking, I won't be able to jump on it right away. Weekends always free, depends on the week days.
And another thing, what is everyone's GMT? It's better to organize things that way so we know when we're all available to do things.

(-5 GMT here.)
Well yeah, common sense applies to the recruiting thing here, if you dont think that you will get along with a person, say so, i mean i dont really want a bunch of hyper-active preteens cluttering up the forum bickering all over the place either. Im just saying we should lighten up a bit, if you look back at the way we responded to applicants, we really were a bunch of dicks to some potentially good recruits. (jesus, i sound like im getting on my high horse here) Instead of shooting people down, we should encourage them to get to know us.

oh, im a zombie.
also my GMT is +1.
That should be the first thing they should do before even applying. We shouldn't have to tell them to get to know us, they should already know us haha. But yea, I have no knowledge on how we recruit; I never put in my opinion on anyone. Everyone else was usually all over it pretty well.
I have about 680 TC. qq

Anyway, I'll help anyway that I can. I think that the best way to start is to start playing in game a lot and making ourselves known again.
wat a crappy gaem
wut wre u thinkin